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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The blog paradox

'If you'd told me five years ago that you'd one day have a blog, I wouldn't have believed it,' said my friend Tracey recently. Five years ago I wouldn't have believed it, either. I'm not interested in computers for their own sake, I find surfing the net more tedious and less useful than cleaning the bathroom, and I used to think blogging a waste of time – why would you blog about something rather than actually doing it? Not to mention that it seemed rather self-obsessed and self-indulgent.

That was before I started blogging on a whim. The Unfinished Project Project is now three months old and I've discovered that although blogging takes time, it doesn't waste time. It has actually made me more productive; I've finished off three major millstones that have been hanging around my neck for years, which feels like a considerable achievement. I've also been more inclined to plug away at other things that are lying about the house, and I've had more ideas about what I might usefully do with some of the rest.

And as an anti-procrastination tool it's had an effect on more than just my craft projects. Okay, my last two tax returns still remain undone, so my reform isn't total, but at least I do the washing up and the vacuuming more often now. Even small steps are steps!

And most of all, it's been fun. I've enjoyed writing my posts and finding that people as far away as Sudan, Argentina and Egypt have been dropping by. Who would have thought?

But as to whether blogging self-indulgent and self-obsessed … the one-woman jury is still undecided on that point.

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