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Saturday, February 2, 2013

On the mend

Last night I did some knitting. Regular readers might think this unremarkable, but it feels significant to me. For the last few months, problems with my hands have made it painful and annoying to do many everyday things, among them craft. I haven't knitted, sewn, embroidered or quilted for six months, which is unheard of for me. 

My ailment is partly stress related, so it's been really frustrating (and quite ironic) to be unable to do craft, which has always been one of my big stress relievers. But now my hands have improved quite a lot, so yesterday at craft night I took up my knitting needles again. It was a group project – we're each knitting a strip from scrap yarns to be made into a blanket – and though it was about as simple as can be, it felt so satisfying and normal to be doing it, and such a relief.

Tonight I knitted in front of the TV for three hours, and it made me happy. Onward and upward, I hope – I have a lot of craft to catch up on!